Sunday, January 24, 2010

Ouch, that hurts!

How many of us have thought of a former girlfriend and where they are now? No, I am not interested in stalking or re-establishing a connection.

Not too long ago, I was browsing through a website of my high school and came across pictures of former classmates - as they now look. I saw one of my first girlfriend - and I would not have recognized her. She has gotten FAT. Anyhow, it had her married name so I went to Twitter and located her on Twitter.

I added her name on my list of persons I follow and gave a general "tweet" with the name of the high school. She replied that she graduated there back in the 60's. I then private messaged her with my name and just said I was married, retired, and living in Florida. I figured this would get a little dialogue going and maybe even a few emails about what we had been doing for the past 46 years we have not seen each other.

I got the message back, "Sorry, I don't remember you. What classes were we in together or school plays together?" I Tweeted back (privately) that we had gone on a few dates and written letters for about a year after I moved. Her reply was to block me from further Twitter contacts.
Ouch, that hurts!

It is probably all for the best that we did not get to exchange emails. I would have hated to tell her that she is now FAT and show her that I married someone who is definitely the most beautiful lady in the world.

New Things for Ex-Fed

I cannot believe it has been just about 1 year since I last posted on this site. Well, lots of things have gone on in that time!

Mrs. Ex-Fed and I decided to move to Florida. The DC area was just not fun anymore with traffic congestion everywhere and all the time. I also did not feel safe in the neighborhood anymore. Even though our immediate area was "not bad", the adjoining areas were becoming more and more unsafe.

We moved to a wonderful place in Central Florida called The Villages. It is a town of around 65,000 and is a golf cart community. We can get anywhere in The Villages in our golf cart and that sure beats Rockville Pike or The Beltway. We live in a very nice house that is on a golf course and I play golf at least once a week. Maybe some day my golf game will get to be good.

Basically, we love it here and wonder why we did not move sooner.

Now, my mantra has changed from "Retire Now" to "Retire Now and Move".
