Monday, May 29, 2006

Memorial Day, 2006

Memorial Day, 2006
More than 2,500 Americans killed in Iraq.

For those who thought that the troops would be home from Iraq by this time, we were proved wrong once again by George Weasel Bush. In fact, Bush proclaimed at the West Point graduation that this war started "on his watch" and would continue on into the "watch" of the military academy graduates long after Weasel was out of office. What kind of exit strategy is that?

What was the point of the war with Iraq? Sure, the obvious thing is that Saddam Hussein was a dictator and should be overthrown. Well, let the Iraq people do that on their own. Bush and Cheney declared that U.S. forces would be welcomed as heroes in Iraq. The Iraq people hate the United States and we are in more danger from terrorism than before September 11. Was cheap oil the reason for the war? $3 a gallon for regular gasoline sure does not seem like that idea has worked. Well, the Exxon corporation and other oil companies probably do like that idea, though, with their record profits – and then they have the audacity to say they are spending all their profits on finding alternative fuels. I would like a $400 million retirement package like their CEO received recently.

Okay, bottom line is there was no good reason for invading Iraq; over 2,500 Americans have been killed in Iraq; and the United States is hated in the Mid-East more than ever.

Let us hope and pray that Memorial Day, 2007, sees no U.S. troops fighting in any war.
