Sunday, January 24, 2010

Ouch, that hurts!

How many of us have thought of a former girlfriend and where they are now? No, I am not interested in stalking or re-establishing a connection.

Not too long ago, I was browsing through a website of my high school and came across pictures of former classmates - as they now look. I saw one of my first girlfriend - and I would not have recognized her. She has gotten FAT. Anyhow, it had her married name so I went to Twitter and located her on Twitter.

I added her name on my list of persons I follow and gave a general "tweet" with the name of the high school. She replied that she graduated there back in the 60's. I then private messaged her with my name and just said I was married, retired, and living in Florida. I figured this would get a little dialogue going and maybe even a few emails about what we had been doing for the past 46 years we have not seen each other.

I got the message back, "Sorry, I don't remember you. What classes were we in together or school plays together?" I Tweeted back (privately) that we had gone on a few dates and written letters for about a year after I moved. Her reply was to block me from further Twitter contacts.
Ouch, that hurts!

It is probably all for the best that we did not get to exchange emails. I would have hated to tell her that she is now FAT and show her that I married someone who is definitely the most beautiful lady in the world.


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