Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Retirement and Snow

The Washington DC television stations had a field day yesterday with all the dire predictions of snow. At about 1 pm, it began to snow a little bit and by 5 pm, we had approximately a half inch of light snow when it stopped snowing. The television teams of Storm Force, Storm Watch, and Swedish Bikini Team were out on the major roadways - which were all clear - and describing the miserable conditions of damp roads. One reporter actually scraped snow into a pile so he could measure it.

By this morning, there is around 2 inches of light snow on the ground and it is a beautiful picture. Mrs. Ex-Fed and I love to feed the birds and squirrels on our deck. The squirrels had made a path up to the sliding door looking for their peanuts. Mrs. Ex-Fed swept the snow from the deck railing so the birds and squirrels could eat the seeds and peanuts and they are happy little (well, not so little - but fat) critters now.

The good thing about being retired on a day like this is not having to go to work in the cold, dark, slippery conditions. The good thing about being retired anytime is not having to go to work in any conditions!

I am going to a Christmas party at the old agency this afternoon. I will not know a whole lot of the people since there were massive retirements just about the time I retired. I am going for a few reasons. First, it is free and there will be plenty of food and beer. I also want to see which other retirees will come and to swap retirement stories with them. I want to brag some to the senior slugs about being retired, drawing full retirement pay and also doing some consultant work at obscene pay rates. Is that petty? Probably is petty - but I don't care.

That is about all for now. I have to wrap a couple of Christmas (not Holiday presents) presents, find the left-over Christmas cards, and finally, use the Just For Men to darken my mustache for the Christmas party.

Asbestos http://www.blogger.com/app/blog.pyra?blogID=7915469