Thursday, August 03, 2006

Al Gore Was Right Again

The liberal fish-wrapper known as The Washington Post has articles about “global warming” today. The paper states that there is high heat across the country and it is going to continue for a few more days. Can you imagine how surprised people are that “global warming” is occurring in AUGUST? Of course it is hot. It is AUGUST!! August is the hottest month of the year and every year the temperatures in the Washington DC area get within a degree of 100. Every year, too, the newspaper reports that it is HOT. For this we need a newspaper?

In the Washington DC television market, there are the simpletons who are the “weather forecasters”. They all read off of the same NOAA tear sheet but try to put their own spin on it. If Channel 7 forecasts the high temperature to be 98 degrees, Channel 9 will go with 99, and FOX will go with 105. Of course, what is the real difference between 98 and 99 degrees? Both are HOT but give me a break, it is one degree.

The “heat index” is another source of amusement for me. For you non-weather people, that is the feeling of a higher degree of discomfort brought about by the actual temperature and the humidity. We know it feels hot because it IS hot and I do not feels as though I have to have a HEAT INDEX. Hey, I once played golf in Palm Springs in 114 degree heat – but that was a “DRY HEAT”. Hot is hot and 114 is HOT.

Well, I am downtown DC right now and sitting in a fairly comfortable office doing my consultant work. I imagine the indoor temperature is around 75 and I have a fan to keep the air stirred up. Mrs. Ex-Fed is at home in air conditioned comfort, too. Nothing to complain about there – until the electric bill comes in the mail. Still, it is a whole lot better to pay several dollars a day to stay cool than to be hot.

Is there a case for global warming? Maybe Al Gore is right – after all Al did claim to have invented the Internet. When I am having 78 degrees in December, I will think about global warming.

Wait a minute! In December, I am planning to have 78 degrees since I am going to be in the Caribbean. RETIREMENT IS GREAT!
