Tuesday, September 19, 2006

End of the Contract - or Not?

It is now nearing the end of September and my contract with DC Government is scheduled to run out on September 30. I am not sure at this point if I will work a little longer or not. I was talking with the Director of HR yesterday and she asked me to stay for a while. I said NO at that time but then got to thinking about it a little bit. I was given a project yesterday that will entail performing some desk audits. Chances are that I will not be able to do all the desk audits and complete the reports by September 30. I also have 3 senior level positions to review and classify – whenever they are resubmitted for classification. I am now inclined to tell the HR Director that I will continue with the job until the desk audit project is completed. It will help them out quite a bit and also I always do enjoy getting more money.

I have been gone from the office for two weeks. My sister-in-law passed away on August 31. My wife had been with her for about 4 weeks. This was a very hard thing for Mrs. Ex-Fed to do but she feels good that she was able to be with her sister for the final time. I flew out to Iowa for the funeral. The relatives all were telling me that I was so good to let my wife be there for that time period. There was no “goodness” on my part at all. I would have been extremely selfish to say that my needs were paramount at a time like that.

On the day after Mrs. Ex-Fed and I returned home, she had a klutz accident that laid her up for a few days. Mrs. Ex-Fed was walking too fast and her new sandal must have caught on a crack in the sidewalk. She went down like a sack of potatoes face first. Her right side was injured with things like a cut above the eye, cuts on the nose and lip and inside the mouth, and bad bruising on the hand and knee. I took Mrs. Ex-Fed to the urgent care and they cleaned and sutured her up. It looked as though I had been beating on her. In fact, the urgent care doctor asked me to wait out in the waiting room and asked Mrs. Ex-Fed if I had done this to her. Her bruising has just about healed completely and she just has a few aches and pains now. My wife sure has had a bad month. Hopefully, all the bad luck has gone for a long time and only good times will be happening from now on.

That is about all for right now. I should get back to classification duties and actually earn the consultant money that I am being paid. I will make up my mind about continuation of the work real soon. Stay tuned! Retirement is great!!!

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