Saturday, May 18, 2013

Just great days in Florida

Wow, today was a good day - even if it has not been a day that is not out of the ordinary.

I had a very enjoyable morning just relaxing around while having my morning coffee and peanut butter on toast and reading the Daily Sun. Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays are the most fun with the paper because that is when they have the letters to the editor in the paper. The Villages is a very Republican (kind of on the nut fringe) place but the letters are fun to read. Mrs. Ex-Fed and I laugh over their ridiculous comments about how great the Republican candidates are now and how the federal employees get free health insurance. I wish I did get free health insurance but it still is a bargain.

I had a golf game with Larry, Mel, and Bob today over at Redfish Run golf course. I did not do great at all and came out with a 39. I did manage to get 2 pars so that was not bad. Larry is not a good player at all but thinks he is. What really ticks me off about Larry and golf is that he insists on taking all putts even when they are a few inches from the hole. I say to him it is a GIMME but he says there is no such word in his vocabulary. I would bet his recorded score did not match his real score, either.


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