Thursday, July 27, 2006

Thursday Morning Rants and Raves

It is now at the end of July- and being a Thursday morning - seems like the time for a little ranting and raving. What kind of a retired person would I be if I did not rant and rave on a semi-regular basis?

First rant and rave is about George W. Bush and Israel. This could easily be two rants but since I am the one writing, I am authorized to combine them into one. (Wow, Ex-Fed, not only are you a dinosaur, but now you are being an authoritarian dinosaur) He deserves a lot more ranting and raving than I am capable of providing but I will put in my two cents worth just for the heck of it. Israel is now bombing and shelling Lebanon towns and cities because of some attacks on Israel from Hezbollah. Beirut has once again been targeted and is being reduced to rubble. The United Nations had an observer outpost in Lebanon deliberately targeted and destroyed by Israel – which killed 4 UN Peacekeepers. The European Union (with the exception of the toady government of Britain) has called for an immediate cease-fire. Lebanon has pleaded for a cease-fire. The United States (read George W. Bush) has rejected a cease-fire and supports Israel in the destruction of Lebanon. This is a travesty of justice. If any Congressman or Senator speaks out against the invasion of Lebanon by Israel, they are deemed to be anti-Semitic. Israel is 99% wrong in this action. They must pull back immediately and agree to a cease-fire. It was reported on the national news that Israel had all of the war plans drawn up for a number of years and was just waiting for some circumstance to develop that would allow them to implement the plan and destroy Lebanon without looking like the aggressor. They are the aggressor! The United States government must pressure Israel to pull it’s forces from Lebanon and agree to a cease-fire. Hezbollah is not without blame by any means. They are terrorists and have no right to attack Israel with rockets or sneak attacks. This has been going on for centuries – just the names of the players are different. This will go on for much longer than necessary – especially when George W. Bush will do nothing to stop the killing of Lebanese civilians by an aggressor force.

Second rant and rave is on the weather in Washington, DC. The triple H’s are here and looks like they will stay for quite a while. For all you non-Washingtonians, the triple H’s are Heat, Humidity, and Haze. Code Orange and Code Red are the norms for air quality which means hazardous to dangerous air quality for walking around outdoors. The air conditioner at the Ex-Fed household is constantly on and even though it is costing a lot to use it, I am really thankful for the central air conditioning. I realize it is not necessary to say “central air conditioning” anymore. That just shows another way in which I am a dinosaur. I really doubt if hardly anyone who lives in a house has just the window air conditioner units anymore. I know some folks in apartments have the window units but most apartment dwellers are probably have the central air conditioners. At the Ex-Fed house, we really like the ceiling fans, too. It does help to keep the temperature in the house fairly constant and I am able to keep the thermostat turned a couple of degrees warmer. Hey, a retiree has to save money whenever possible.

Well, that looks like only TWO rants and raves. I am sure that there are a lot more around but getting Rant #1 down “on paper” (Wow, Ex-Fed, you really are a dinosaur) makes me feel better.

I will close with the same closing that Dave Garroway gave each day at the end of his longtime television show. He was the first host of the “Today” show and was on air from 1952 until 1962.


Monday, July 10, 2006

Hip Hop in Washington DC

What does this posting have to do with the title of this entry? Not a single thing. Maybe just that I hop on down to the subway system each morning and it looks like I have a broken hip.

I have been at this classification consultant job for just about 6 weeks now. Basically, I do not dislike it but then I do not like it, either. Nothing wrong with any part of it except it does involve getting up at 6 a.m., getting dressed, and commuting to downtown Washington DC on the Metro (subway), walking 2 blocks to the office, and spending the good part of the day reviewing position descriptions. I have been asking myself why I am doing this instead of staying retired, doing my volunteer work, and playing golf.

I still do love retirement. There is no getting around that. However, I feel the reason that I am doing this consulting work is mainly for ego. While I was employed for 30+ years at the Old Agency, I, and most other employees, were not appreciated for what we were doing on a daily basis. We worked our 8 hours a day, got a paycheck every 2 weeks, received generous annual and sick leave benefits, received a small annual performance award (usually), but no one really seemed to care we were there.

That has now changed! The HR Manager is glad to let me work from home 2 or 3 days a week, the pay is extremely good – for doing the same work product as I had done 15 years ago – and my advice and guidance is looked upon as being an expert's opinion.

I would like to play more golf. I played golf last Friday with my buddy, Schnickles, who retired from the GSA (Government Salamander Administration) in January of this year. He had initially thought of doing consulting work like me but discovered that he LOVES BEING RETIRED too much to go back to work. Anyhow, my golf game stunk on ice! I kept topping the ball. I guess that comes from moving my head while swinging the club. Any advice on that would be very much appreciated!! Schnickles did okay on his golfing but I was totally humiliated on the golf course.

What keeps me coming back to the job everyday – well, a couple of days a week anyhow? Ego – believing that what I am doing is appreciated and counted on as being from an expert. Money is another reason. Mrs. Ex-Fed and I do not need a supplemental income but if DC Government is paying a very good wage for my expertise, I will certainly take it. I am providing a needed service and am not ripping them off in any way.

How long will I stay at this gig? More than likely, I will stay until around September 1 and then hopefully do some traveling with Mrs. Ex-Fed. Keep watching this space for updates!
